GE綠色創想獎 $63米十個能源科技公司·環境管理與能源新聞中心的環保領袖

GE綠色創想獎 $63米十個能源科技公司·環境管理與能源新聞中心的環保領袖


GE綠色創想獎 $63米十個能源科技公司

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原和朝氣都屬於十大能源高科技公司,贏 $ 6300萬投資由GE和風險投資合作夥伴在第二輪的2億美元的綠色創想挑戰。

這項耗資 6300萬的投資和商業合作夥伴關係在第二階段包括十個新觀念,從消費者的清潔技術領域,包括太陽能,通信和軟件建設的效率。這一階段的GE的挑戰,“打開你的家,”一月份推出的一部分,公司努力通過改善家庭能源效率的新技術。獲獎者包括:

  • ,波士頓,MA(通訊及軟件)
  • GMZ能源,馬薩諸塞州沃爾瑟姆(太陽能系統和服務;合作投資與KPCB)
  • ,聖馬刁,CA(通訊及軟件,合作投資與KPCB)
  • Nuventix,奧斯汀,德克薩斯(建築節能)
  • 上斜坡無線,聖地亞哥,CA(通訊及軟件)
  • 項目青蛙,舊金山,加州(建築效率;合作投資與羅克波特資本)
  • SunRun,舊金山,CA(住宅用太陽能系統和服務;合作投資與基礎資本)
  • 朝氣能源 Conshohocken,PA(通訊及軟件)
  • VPhase,曼徹斯特,英國(建 ​​築節能)
  • WiTricity,水城,MA(通訊及軟件)

到目前為止,GE和其合作夥伴已投資或承諾投資 $ 1.34億的家庭能源和電網技術開發公佈獲獎者的創新挑戰。挑戰還製作了22個新的商業夥伴關係,並導致收購 FMC科技,智能電網技術從第一階段。

昨天,GE還宣布推出五項創新獎獲獎者,誰每人將獲得10萬美元撥款,以進一步發展他們的技術。他們分別由一個獨立專家小組的法官包括GE高管,學者和技術人員。影片的獲獎者可在 /公告它們包括:

  • PlotWatt,達勒姆,NC(通訊及軟件) -認知計量削減能源費用。PlotWatt開發智能電錶軟件,可以分析數據,找出能源使用的設備,並提供定制省錢的建議,通過網絡儀表板,移動應用,電子郵件和文 ​​本消息。
  • 畢達哥拉斯太陽能聖馬特奧,CA(建築節能) -太陽能窗口。畢達哥拉斯說太陽能窗口技術同時提供能源效率和太陽能發電在不犧牲外觀的傳統窗口,使設計和施工更可持續的,經濟上可行的建築。
  • Suntulit,弗里蒙特,CA(建築節能) -空調控制系統。Suntulit的空調控制系統採用的數據,如室內溫度和住戶的房間在任何時間來學習用戶的需求,並提供方法,以減少電費高達30%。
  • Xergy,喬治敦,DE(建築節能) -尖端製冷壓縮機。Xergy說,它的綠色壓縮機可用於冷卻設備,如家用電冰箱和空調系統,以減少能源消耗65%。
  • E.quinox,倫敦,英國(太陽能和家用太陽能融資) -能源和清潔水“亭”。E.quinox是學生跑主動帶來成本效益,可再生能源的發展中國家通過離網,獨立光伏發電系統。

“現在的挑戰是在GE已建立的平台。展望未來,我們將繼續加速增長,通過新的夥伴關係和額外承擔 2000萬美元,資助商業飛行員與創新,我們發現,通過挑戰賽,“綠色創想副總裁馬克瓦尚說。“目前的挑戰,也改變了我們的業務在GE - 我們了解到,加快開放創新在公共,私人和國界可以驅動共享的價值,為公司和其合作夥伴。”

GE和其風險投資夥伴還計劃推出一個特定區域的綠色創想挑戰賽在中國今年晚些時候,以及設立 500萬美元的種子基金在歐洲的碳基金提供支持早期的想法,需要幫助下車地面。




June 24, 2011

GE Ecomagination Awards $63m to Ten Energy Tech Firms

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Hara and Viridity are among the ten energy tech companies to win $63 million of investments from GE and its venture capital partners in the second round of the $200 million Ecomagination Challenge.

The $63 million in investments and commercial partnerships in phase two include ten new concepts from consumer clean tech sectors including solar, communications and software and building efficiency. This phase of the GE challenge, “Powering Your Home,” was launched in January as part of the company’s efforts to improve household energy efficiency through new technologies. The winners include:

  • Ember, Boston, MA (Communications and software)
  • GMZ Energy, Waltham, MA (solar systems and services; co-investment with KPCB)
  • Hara, San Mateo, CA (Communications and software; co-investment with KPCB)
  • Nuventix, Austin, TX (Building efficiency)
  • On-Ramp Wireless, San Diego, CA (Communications and software)
  • Project Frog, San Francisco, CA (Building efficiency; co-investment with RockPort Capital)
  • SunRun, San Francisco, CA (Residential solar systems and services; co-investment with Foundation Capital)
  • Viridity Energy, Conshohocken, PA (Communications and software)
  • VPhase, Manchester, UK (Building efficiency)
  • WiTricity, Watertown, MA (Communications and software)

So far, GE and its partners have invested or committed to invest $134 million in the home energy and power grid technology developers announced as winners of the Innovation Challenge. The Challenge has also produced 22 new commercial partnerships and resulted in the acquisition of FMC-Tech, a smart grid technology from the first phase.

Yesterday GE also announced five Innovation Award winners, who will each receive a $100,000 grant to further develop their technology. They were selected by an independent panel of judges including GE executives, academics and technologists. Videos of the winners are available They include:

  • PlotWatt, Durham, NC (Communications and software) – Cognitive metering to slash energy bills. PlotWatt develops smart meter software that analyzes data to identify energy usage of appliances and provide customized money-saving recommendations via a web dashboard, mobile applications, email and text message.
  • Pythagoras Solar San Mateo, CA (Building efficiency) – Solar windows. Pythagoras says solar window technology simultaneously delivers energy efficiency and solar energy generation without sacrificing the appearance of a traditional window, enabling the design and construction of more sustainable, economically viable buildings.
  • Suntulit, Freemont, CA (Building efficiency) – Air conditioning control system. Suntulit’s air conditioning control system uses data such as room temperature and occupants of a room at any given time to learn user needs and offer ways to reduce utility bills by as much as 30 percent.
  • Xergy, Georgetown, DE (Building efficiency) – Cutting edge refrigeration compressor. Xergy says its green compressors can be used in household cooling devices like refrigerators and air conditioning systems to reduce energy consumption by 65 percent.
  • E.quinox, London, UK (Solar and home solar financing) – Energy and clean water “kiosk”. E.quinox is a student-run initiative to bring cost-effective, renewable energy to developing countries through off-grid, stand-alone photovoltaic systems.

“The Challenge is now an established platform at GE. Looking ahead, we’ll continue to accelerate growth through new partnerships and an additional commitment of $20 million to fund commercial pilots with innovators we have found through the Challenge,” Ecomagination vice president Mark Vachon said. “The Challenge has also changed how we do business at GE – we learned that accelerating open innovation across public, private and national borders can drive shared value for the company and its partners.“

GE and its VC partners also plan to launch a region-specific ecomagination Challenge in China later this year, as well as establishing a $5 million seed fund in Europe with Carbon Trust to provide support for early stage ideas that need help getting off the ground.

This first round of Challenge funding, announced in 2010, provided $71 million to break-through technologies in energy storage, utility security, electric vehicle charging services and energy management software.

Yesterday GE and Best Buy also announced that they are partnering to fast-track the commercial availability of two Challenge technologies, the VPhase home energy control device and the Suntulit air conditioning control system, so they can be ready for retail testing through select Best Buy retail channels in the future. Also, GE said Nucleus Energy Manager, as well as smart appliances with Brillion technology, will be available through select Best Buy stores in early 2012.

Earlier this week, GE published its annual Ecomagination report, which showed that the company spent about $1.8 billion on research and development of clean technologies and developed 22 new products as part of its Ecomagination initiative in 2010.

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