Honda 在英國建立Swindon燃料電池車加氫站/ 南韓今年將建立5.6 MW fuel cell power plant/ 日本增設「加氫站」加快「氫燃料電池車」之普及 - 百分百綠能材料網 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格
Honda 在英國建立Swindon燃料電池車加氫站/ 南韓今年將建立5.6 MW fuel cell power plant/ 日本增設「加氫站」加快「氫燃料電池車」之普及 - 百分百綠能材料網 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格
Honda 在英國建立Swindon燃料電池車加氫站/ 南韓今年將建立5.6 MW fuel cell power plant/ 日本增設「加氫站」加快「氫燃料電池車」之普及 - 百分百綠能材料網 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格
A hydrogen refuelling point is to be built at the Honda manufacturing facility in Swindon in the UK. Swindon Borough Council has received a £250,000 grant from the South West England Regional Development Agency to build the station; it is hoping to position Swindon as a centre for testing and development of fuel cell vehicles. The council is also in talks with local bus companies about switching to hydrogen fuel.
Honda and Swindon Council have indicated that the station, which will be complete in the second half of the year, may be the first of a number of hydrogen refuelling stations, forming a 'Hydrogen Highway' in the south west of the country.
5.6 MW fuel cell power plant is to be built in Busan, South Korea
A 5.6 MW fuel cell power plant is to be built in Busan, South Korea's largest city after Seoul. The hydrogen fuel cell plant will be situated in the Hwajeon Industrial Complex in the Gangseo area of the city. The plant will be the result of a collaboration between energy consultancy Cobalt Sky and Busan City Gas. Construction is to begin in May and is expected to be complete in October of this year. The plant will start selling power shortly thereafter. It is expected to lead to a reduction in the city's carbon dioxide emissions of 6,000 tons annually.
東 京瓦斯已於10年12月,在位於羽田機場附近的東京都大田區之該公司為汽車所設置的天然氣站──「京島綠能站」中,併設一處「羽田加氫站」。利用該站的是 連結羽田機場和新宿區、中央區的機場巴士。這些巴士是豐田汽車和日野汽車所共同開發的燃料電池油電混合車,每天往來1班次。
負 責對該站供給氫的是JX日鑛日石能源和出光興產。JX開設了「東京、杉並加氫站」,最近已準備開始營運。出光則是預計在2月中於成田機場附近設置「成田加 氫站」。JX、出光兩公司計畫將煉油廠等所製造的高壓氫氣裝載在可容納16-20隻鋼瓶的容器中後,再以卡車運送至該站。
Honda and Swindon Council have indicated that the station, which will be complete in the second half of the year, may be the first of a number of hydrogen refuelling stations, forming a 'Hydrogen Highway' in the south west of the country.
5.6 MW fuel cell power plant is to be built in Busan, South Korea
A 5.6 MW fuel cell power plant is to be built in Busan, South Korea's largest city after Seoul. The hydrogen fuel cell plant will be situated in the Hwajeon Industrial Complex in the Gangseo area of the city. The plant will be the result of a collaboration between energy consultancy Cobalt Sky and Busan City Gas. Construction is to begin in May and is expected to be complete in October of this year. The plant will start selling power shortly thereafter. It is expected to lead to a reduction in the city's carbon dioxide emissions of 6,000 tons annually.
東 京瓦斯已於10年12月,在位於羽田機場附近的東京都大田區之該公司為汽車所設置的天然氣站──「京島綠能站」中,併設一處「羽田加氫站」。利用該站的是 連結羽田機場和新宿區、中央區的機場巴士。這些巴士是豐田汽車和日野汽車所共同開發的燃料電池油電混合車,每天往來1班次。
負 責對該站供給氫的是JX日鑛日石能源和出光興產。JX開設了「東京、杉並加氫站」,最近已準備開始營運。出光則是預計在2月中於成田機場附近設置「成田加 氫站」。JX、出光兩公司計畫將煉油廠等所製造的高壓氫氣裝載在可容納16-20隻鋼瓶的容器中後,再以卡車運送至該站。