【阿斯塔司令, 银河联邦】20130512《完全的银河大揭露》(特大号外!)_亮点_新浪博客:
(2013-05-14 02:36:20)

Full Galactic Disclosure A Message from Ashtar from the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 12, 2013 Greetings! This is Ashtar reporting from The Rainbow Bridge. Re…

Some of you confused December 21, 2012 as a Disclosure Event. Instead, understand - this was a Celestial Event where Galactic Center and Cosmic Center aligned creating a passageway for energy to pulse into The Milky Way Galaxy. This energy had characteristics only produced under very rare circumstances. These pulses activated the 12 Strands of DNA in all who had not yet completed that part of their evolution. It also ignited Key Codes and Fire Letters in the next level of Consciousness Raising.

March 28, 2013 was the next influx of High Magnitude Energy. This was followed by more very powerful and rare Cosmic Events - April 25, 2013 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, May 10, 2013 New Moon Solar Eclipse, and coming a May 25, 2013 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. These alignments bring in the Light of Antimatter first from our Parallel Universe of On, through the Great Central Sun Alcyone, through Sun Sol and to Earth. These Light Energies effect the Collective Consciousness on Earth, raising all to A Higher State of Consciousness. It is in this environment where the Planetary Community can assimilate new concepts that hereto befor were too hard to integrate due to a lower vibrational field.

The greatest question displayed even among the witnesses at The Citizen Hearing was: Who Are these Extraterrestrials? What Do They Want? and Are We Safe? I would like to expand on these questions in reply.
“这些外星人到底是谁??? 他们想干什么???

Going back 65 million years we see the five root races of Extraterrestrials who have inhabited Earth in successive Epochs of Time. These ET races are described in the oldest texts on Earth one being the Vishnu Purana. Earth has never not been inhabited with Extraterrestrials and it remains so today. Earth has never not been visited by and closely monitored by Extraterrestrials since Creation. One should avoid the fearful notion that ET Visitors have their own agenda. This is a misnomer which I will explain.
在地球上的第二个被创造出来的东西是一种黄金色的液体光能Bio Plasma Forms “生物离子电浆液晶体”. 这些是由复杂的电离子浆用非格式化的分子所组成的. 这些可以 ‘热致变色’ 的外星人在不同温度下会改变颜色, 有可能成为是可见光或不可见光的 红橙黄绿蓝靛紫以及紫萝兰光. 所以他们能够显现物质化形或者消失 --- 随着他们变得透明或是半透明化. “零点磁场推进能量’ 是他们交通的模式 --- 随着他们吸入大气层中的能量, 而这会让他们漂浮. 有些影片拍到了这些生命形式, 甚至有影片证据拍到他们的半透明态. 这些一们被称为Hyperboreans超级北风们, 而且听说耶稣撒南达就有这种DNA.
In Earths third creation were human Extraterrestrials known as Lemurians and they evolved into Human Forms with sexual reproduction as today. In Earths fourth creation were human Extraterrestrials known as Atlantians. During the time of Atlantis many experiments with DNA were performed including mixing animal DNA with human DNA. Also during these periods Angelic DNA was mixed with human DNA as well as Extraterrestrial DNA being mixed with human DNA.

It was during The Citizens Hearing on Disclosure where some of the facts of negative Extraterrestrials looking very much like us came to light. The Galactic Federation gifted Earth scientists with nuclear fission for propulsion and for free energy and it was weaponized. We have to help Earth come back to Zero Point energy where no weapons will function.

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【阿斯塔司令, 银河联邦】20130512《完全的银河大揭露》(特大号外!)

(特大号外) 完全的银河大揭露
--- 来自阿斯塔司令, 从银河联邦世界
• Channelled & Posted by beth (Elizabeth Trutwin)
• on May 13, 2013 at 9:00am
中文翻译: 林琚月 20130513
Full Galactic Disclosure A Message from Ashtar from the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 12, 2013
完全的银河大揭露 --- 来自阿斯塔司令, 从银河联邦世界, 透过Elizabeth Trutwin, May 12, 2013传导.
Greetings! This is Ashtar reporting from The Rainbow Bridge. Recently in Washington DC there was an disclosure Event called The Citizens Hearing on Disclosure. This Event was carefully orchestrated by Members of the Ground Crew working with the Ashtar Command. Mother Sekhmet, Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Maitreya and St Germain were there amongst others unseen. This Event was in response to other times in the past few years when Disclosure was set to happen and something got in the way. This has happened multiple times in the last decade. This is why you always felt Disclosure was ʻA Moment Awayʻ and then somehow it didnʻt happen. No explanations were forthcoming and it caused a lot of depression for many.
大家好! 我是阿斯塔司令从彩虹桥向大家作报告. 最近在华盛顿DC有一个叫做“公民听证会”的 大揭露活动. 这个 “大事件”是经过我们地面团队与阿斯塔总部仔细规划设计出来的活动. Mother Sekhmet狮子母, Archangel Michael大天使麦克, Archangel Metatron大天使麦特登, Maitreya米勒和St Germain圣哲曼大师以及其它人都在现场在人群中. 这个 “大事件”是对过去多年前某些时机的响应 --- 那时 ‘大揭露’ 已经安排好要举办了, 但是一些事情发生了而挡掉了那个机会. 在过去十年前这样的事情发生了很多次. 这就是为什么你们一直觉得 ‘大揭露’ 马上要发生了, 可是由于某种原因它又没发生了. 而且没有人给予你们任何解释, 也因此造成了许多人的沮丧忧郁.
Some of you confused December 21, 2012 as a Disclosure Event. Instead, understand - this was a Celestial Event where Galactic Center and Cosmic Center aligned creating a passageway for energy to pulse into The Milky Way Galaxy. This energy had characteristics only produced under very rare circumstances. These pulses activated the 12 Strands of DNA in all who had not yet completed that part of their evolution. It also ignited Key Codes and Fire Letters in the next level of Consciousness Raising.
你们有些人误以为20121221日是一个 ‘大揭露事件日’. 事实上, 请明白 ---这天是一个 ‘天文日期’ --- 在这一天 --- 银河中心与宇宙中心联机而创造出了一条能量通道 --- 让能量可以自源头脉动入银河系The Milky Way Galaxy.这能量所具有的特性 --- 只会发生在非常特殊的状况之下. 这些脉动启动了所有尚未完成他们的进化的人的十二条DNA. 它同时也点燃了 ‘关键密码’ 以及‘火文字Fire Letters’ --- 来协助下一阶段的 ‘觉知意识’ 之提升!
March 28, 2013 was the next influx of High Magnitude Energy. This was followed by more very powerful and rare Cosmic Events - April 25, 2013 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, May 10, 2013 New Moon Solar Eclipse, and coming a May 25, 2013 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. These alignments bring in the Light of Antimatter first from our Parallel Universe of On, through the Great Central Sun Alcyone, through Sun Sol and to Earth. These Light Energies effect the Collective Consciousness on Earth, raising all to A Higher State of Consciousness. It is in this environment where the Planetary Community can assimilate new concepts that hereto befor were too hard to integrate due to a lower vibrational field.
20130328是后来接着来的高纬度能量. 接着20130425又接踵而至一个更强大希有的 ‘宇宙事件’ --- 全月型月蚀, 然后20130510又一个 新月与太阳的日\月蚀, 然后20130525又会有一个全月型月蚀. 这些联星对齐现象 ---首先从 ‘平行宇宙 ‘嗡’--- 带进来了 ‘反物质的光能’ --- 透过此银河大中央太阳Alcyone,然后经过地球的太阳Sol然后进入地球. 这些能量影响到地球集体的觉知意识, 将之提升到一个更高的状态. 就是在这种环境觉知频率之下 --- 地球社区才能吸收新的概念, 而那是以前在一个低震动频率中太困难整合的事.
The next Disclosure Event will be President Obama in cooperation with his United States Military Commanders and Intelligence Agents saying together that for National Security reasons before now they hid their activities with Extraterrestrials but it was time now to share the information with the World. Millions of documents and hundreds of thousands of videos will be released for public scrutiny. Also, prepared education pieces will be televised all over the world. In turn, other Countries will release their ET files and films and share these with their Citizens and the World.
下一个 ‘大揭露事件’ 将会由奥巴马总统, 协同美国军队总司令官们, 以及在情报局人员陪同之下 --- 对民众解释 --- 基于 ‘国家安全理由’ 他们过去隐瞒了他们与外星人的活动, 但是现在是时候与全世界分享这个讯息了!
所以几百万份文件与数十万份的录像带(录像带)将会释放出来提供大众审查. 同时,已经准备好的教育影片将会在全世界播放. 而其它国家也会相继释放他们的ET档案和影片, 并与他们的国民以及全世界人分享这些数据!!!
The greatest question displayed even among the witnesses at The Citizen Hearing was: Who Are these Extraterrestrials? What Do They Want? and Are We Safe? I would like to expand on these questions in reply.
在 ‘民众公听会’ 上, 包括见证人在内, 最大的问题就是 ---
以及, 我们安全吗??? --- 我想就这些问题回答一下.
Going back 65 million years we see the five root races of Extraterrestrials who have inhabited Earth in successive Epochs of Time. These ET races are described in the oldest texts on Earth one being the Vishnu Purana. Earth has never not been inhabited with Extraterrestrials and it remains so today. Earth has never not been visited by and closely monitored by Extraterrestrials since Creation. One should avoid the fearful notion that ET Visitors have their own agenda. This is a misnomer which I will explain.
让我们先回到六千五百万年前 --- 我们看到在连续的几个时代中居住在地球的五大基本外星族群. 这些ET种族在最古老的地球文件中都有叙述到, 其中一份有记载文件就是Vishnu Purana. 地球从来就不是一个 ‘非外星人’ 的 居住地 --- 直到今天为止仍是如此! 打从 ‘被制造\诞生’ 以来--- ‘地球’ 也从来没有 ‘不’被外星人所拜访和密切的监测着. 所以一个人应该 ‘避免’ ‘恐惧的想法’ --- 认为ET拜访者有什么其它的目的!!! 这是一个误导的错误想法 --- 在这一点上我会多作解释!
Beginning in Earths first creation the ET Visitors to Earth were etheric in nature and not physical. This means they were composed solely of brilliant light. They came here from the Light Matter Universe On into this Dark Matter Universe called Nebadon. Dark Matter is the primary energy of 3D matter and within that is a Parallel Universe where the indestructible nature of The Soul Exists simultaneous to its Earth Avatar on this timeline.
在地球诞生之初, 首批拜访地球的ET访问者都是 ‘以太体’ 的存有而非物质体的. 这意思就是说 --- 他们都纯粹是闪亮的光体. 他们来自轻物质宇宙 ‘嗡’, 穿过 暗物质宇宙 ‘Nebadon内巴顿’而来. 暗物质是三维物质的主要能量. 而在‘Nebadon内巴顿’中有一个 ‘平行宇宙’ --- 在那里 ‘无法毁灭的’ ‘灵魂本质’ 存在在那里 ---与地球的 ‘圣体’ (Avatar身)共同存在于同一条时间线之上.
These Life Forms traveled to Earth through Integrated Consciousness. These conditions are explained in quantum mechanics. It was during this period when Mount Meru emerged from the Sea. We communicate all the time with our real existence in the Light Realms. It is from there we receive our Mission and our responsibilities to carry it out. One must avoid thinking they are The Body or The Personality. These etheric Anti-Gravity Life Forms are on Earth today, are imperceptible and not detectable by current scientific detectors. Many are capable of taking on a human physical form At Will for a day and return back to light to travel throughout the Etheric Realm.
这些生命形式, 透过 ‘整合的觉知意识’, 旅行到地球来. 在 ‘量子机械力学’ 中对这些状况已经都有解释了. 就是在这段时间之内, Mount Meru山从海底升上来.我们始终, 在所有时候, 都与我们在 ‘光的纬度’ 的 ‘真正存在体’ 做沟通. 就是透过这种方式 --- 我们得到我们任务的指令以及要完成的责任. 一个人 ‘应该避免’ 认为自己就是 ‘这个身体’ 或是 ‘个人’. 这些以太体的, 反重力生命形式, 至今仍然在地球上, 而且无法被目前的科学侦测器所感应得到或侦测得到. 他们许多人也有能力, 依照意愿, 穿上人类物质体一天, 然后回复为光体, 而可以旅行遍整个 ‘以太界’.
In Earths second creation were Bio Plasma Forms made of liquid golden light. These are composed of complex plasma of non-standard particles. These thermochromic Extraterrestrials change color in different temperatures in the seen and unseen ranges of light (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet). They can therefore appear to materialize and dematerialize as they become translucent or transparent. Zero Point Energy propulsion is their mode of transportation as they suck in energy from the atmosphere and this causes drift. There have been Sightings of these Life Forms as well as video evidence when captured in their translucent form. These Ones were known as the Hyperboreans and it has been said that Sananda carries this DNA.
在地球上的第二个被创造出来的东西是一种黄金色的液体光能Bio Plasma Forms “生物离子电浆液晶体”. 这些是由复杂的电离子浆用非格式化的分子所组成的. 这些可以 ‘热致变色’ 的外星人在不同温度下会改变颜色, 有可能成为是可见光或不可见光的 红橙黄绿蓝靛紫以及紫萝兰光. 所以他们能够显现物质化形或者消失 --- 随着他们变得透明或是半透明化. “零点磁场推进能量’ 是他们交通的模式 --- 随着他们吸入大气层中的能量, 而这会让他们漂浮. 有些影片拍到了这些生命形式, 甚至有影片证据拍到他们的半透明态. 这些一们被称为Hyperboreans超级北风们, 而且听说耶稣撒南达就有这种DNA.
In Earths third creation were human Extraterrestrials known as Lemurians and they evolved into Human Forms with sexual reproduction as today. In Earths fourth creation were human Extraterrestrials known as Atlantians. During the time of Atlantis many experiments with DNA were performed including mixing animal DNA with human DNA. Also during these periods Angelic DNA was mixed with human DNA as well as Extraterrestrial DNA being mixed with human DNA.
在地球上的第三种被创造出来的是 “外星人类” --- 被称为 “利穆利亚人Lemurians” --- 而且他们发展进化成为人类形式, 并以 ‘性’ 为生育繁殖方式一直到今天. 在地球上的第四种被创造出来的是 “外星人类” --- 被称为 “亚特兰提斯人Atlantians”. 在亚特兰提斯时代他们做了许多DNA实验, 包括混育动物与人类DNA. 同时, 在这段期间, 天使DNA也被与人类DNA混育, 以及外星DNA与人类DNA的混育实验.
In Earths fifth creation saw the beginnings of the Aryan root race of Extraterrestrial on Earth. The Aryans included the Holy Kumaras ~ Sanat Kumara, also known as the Ancient of Days as mentioned in the Ahora Mazda and the Book of Daniel. Sananda Kumara, also known as Zoroaster and Jesus and incarnate now as The King of Swords or KOS - his code name. Sanaka and Sanatana. These are the Ascended Masters and Archangels who have incarnated as Extraterrestrial humans and Angelic humans. These Ones are alive today incarnate on Earth and others take on Human Form At Will. All of the above mentioned Extraterrestrial races - both etheric and physical continue to inhabit Earth today in Avatar forms.
在地球上的第五种被创造出来的是’Aryans’ “外星人类” 基因始祖在地球的开始---他们包括了圣者大师库玛利the Holy Kumaras Sanat Kumara,在古代,依照Ahora Mazda and the Book of Daniel两书记载 --- 又称为~Sanat Kumara. 撒南达库玛利Sananda Kumara, 也被称为Zoroaster 和耶稣 Jesus --- 现在转世在地球的化身叫 ‘剑王’ 密码名称KOS. Sanaka 和Sanatana. ---此两名字都是 ‘已扬升的大师们’ 以及大天使的名字 --- 他们都曾经转世为“外星地球人”或是 “天使人类”. 这些一们目前都转世在地球, 其它一些人则可以任意随时穿上人身. 以上提到的这些外星种族人, 不论是 ‘以太体’ 或是 ‘物质体’都在今天仍然持续居住在地球上 --- 并以他们的 ‘圣者Avatar形式’ 存在.
Since the Great Wars which are outlined in the Vedanta, specifically the Mahabharata, there have been invaders who had conquest on their mind. They have been known to manipulate DNA of Earth Humans as well as steal vast natural resources for their own selfish uses putting Earth on the edge of destruction more than once.
在Vedanta一书中所描述的 ‘大战争’之后, 特别是Mahabharata章节, 有提到‘侵略者’ 征服占领了他们的心智. 他们一直因 “操控地球人类DNA” 而有名, 以及为了他们自己自私的用途而偷窃大量的地球自然资源, 不只一次把地球推向毁灭的边缘.
Earth has man-made and Extraterrestrial-made tunnels to Inner Earth. Some are up to five miles deep and others go 800 miles deep into Inner Earth. In addition there are Bases that have been established in recent years by the Earth invaders.
地球有人造的以及外星人造的地下道通往地心. 有些是五英里深, 其它的八百英里深入地心. 除此之外, 近年来, 地球入侵者们也建了一些基地在那里.
The races on Earth now are often described as Black, Red, Yellow, White and Brown. This is only skin color and not a race at all. Likewise the Invaders have the same race attributes as some of the Galactic Federation Extraterrestrials. Often they have been mistakenly stereotyped all as negative Extraterrestrials.
地球人种现在被形容为黑色\红色\黄色\白色与棕色. 这只是皮肤颜色, 而完全不是一个种族. 同样的, 地球入侵者们也同样拥有银河联邦外星人种的特征. 常常, 银河联邦外星人他们也常被 ‘刻板印象’而误认为全部人都是 ‘负面外星人’.
The fear mongers wishing to keep Earth in darkness maliciously spread this misinformation to keep Humans in the dark. From Planet Niburu originated the negative Annunaki. This was only a small part of a much larger Group spanning many Planets of Annunaki origin who are positive and here to help Humans.The same can be said for the Zeta Reticulans from the vast Orion constellation. There have also been negative Extraterrestrials from Dracos constellation. A small handful created mass havoc on Earth in the past 60 years and there are many others who remained positive and were not represented by this rogue element.
这些惟恐天下不乱的 ‘恐惧贩子们’ --- 用邪恶的企图心要把地球控制在黑暗当中, 所以散播错误讯息来将人类控制在黑暗当中. 从Niburu行星起源的负面蜥蝪人Annunaki. --- 那只是一个很大团体中的一小部份 --- 包含许多其它Annunaki人起源的行星 --- 他们也是正面外星人, 而且也在这里协助人类.同样的包含正\负面外星人状况的还有来自广大猎户座星系的Zeta齐塔蜥蝪人,也有这困扰. 另外还有来自龙族星系Dracos constellation的负面外星人. 凭借着一小搓人就在地球过去六十年来创造了大规模的破坏, 但同样的, 这族群中也有许多其它保持正面的人, 与这群 ‘流氓份子’ 是没有关连的.
The Orion Wars are laid out in the Mahabharata. Those immigrants of war came from Lyra, Sirius, Pleiades, and Vega. A few of the other major players that have been involved from the beginning include Arcturians, Antares, Andromedeans, Procyon, Virgo, Ursa Major (Bear) Ursa Minor, Leo, Sag, inner planets Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter; outer planets, Uranus, Mercury, Pluto, Neptune, and 100 million/billion galaxies, and Alcyone, Great Central Sun. This is a Planetary Ascension that involves all these and many more for which One may not remember or know the names.
猎户座的战争在Mahabharata一书中有提到. 那些战争移民们来自天琴座,天狼星,昴宿星团,和Vega星系。而几个打从一开始就是主要参与者的团体有大角星座, 南河三安塔尔,仙女座,,处女座,大熊座(熊)小熊座,狮子座,Sag凹陷,金星地心族,火星,土星,木星外行星,天王星,水星,冥王星,海王星,以及其它上亿个\上十亿个银河星系, 还有来自此银河系中央太阳的Alcyone的存有们. 这是一个行星的扬升 --- 包含了这些全部的存有, 以及许多其它大家可能不记得或不知道名字的地方.
There are over 200,000 species in The Milky Way Galaxy. Many are humanoid and look much like us. They do live on the streets of Earth now. Many are humanoid and look not much like us. There are those who are Avatar forms of animals mixed with humans like the Cat People, the Bird People and the Reptilian people. Artificial Intelligence Beings as well as Androids also play a role on Earth.
在银河系中有超过二十万个种族. 许多看起来类似人类, 也跟我们很像. 他们现在也住在地球的街面上. 许多类人类则看起来跟我们不一样. 比方 ‘猫人’ ‘鸟人’ 以及 ‘蜥蝪人’… 等 --- 他们是动物与人类混合的Avatar圣体. 人工智能(机器人)存有, 如Androids --- 也在地球扮演一个角色.
The Earth StarGates are made of artificial intelligence which is sentient. There are about 16 million Adept White Knights who are Extraterrestrial which work with and are telepathic in real time with KOS. Their technologies are from 1 million to 100 million years more advanced than anything on Earth. They are working as Intelligence Officers, with the Alien Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) and assist Lord Maitreya, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael and Mother Sekhmet with St Germain in operations around Earth designed to bring Disclosure and end the Truth Embargo.
地球的星门就是一种 ‘人工智能’ --- 但是 ‘有情’意识. 目前地球上有大约一千六百万个有熟练技能的白色骑士们 --- 他们是外星人 --- 而且与‘剑王’工作在一起, 并以心电感应时时与‘剑王’连络着. 他们的科技大约都超越地球任何东西一百万到一亿年之间. 他们都是 ‘情报工作者’ , 与外星接触情报组织Alien Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO)合作并且协助 Lord Maitreya, 大天使麦特登Archangel Metatron, 大天使麦克Archangel Michael以及狮子母 Mother Sekhmet 并与圣哲曼大师St Germain一起工作, 人员遍布地球各地, 任务设计都是来完成 ‘外星大揭露’ 以及结束 ‘真相禁运’ 的工作.
It was during The Citizens Hearing on Disclosure where some of the facts of negative Extraterrestrials looking very much like us came to light. The Galactic Federation gifted Earth scientists with nuclear fission for propulsion and for free energy and it was weaponized. We have to help Earth come back to Zero Point energy where no weapons will function.
就是在这次 ‘外星大揭露民众公听会’ 中关于负面外星人看起来与我们很像的事情才曝光了出来. 银河联邦曾经送给地球科学家 ‘核融合推进能量’ , 以及 ‘免费自由能源’ --- 可是它们被做成了武器. 我们必须帮助地球回复 ‘零点能量’ ---那时就再也没有武器能够起作用了.
Hitler is One of these. He was a time traveling Extraterrestrial from the 24th Century returned to Earth to use Her resources for his own Plan. He came here through rifts in the Space Time Continuum created by science gone wrong as the Montauk experiment and altered the Timelines. These Timelines in 2013 have all been repaired. In 2013 the negative Extraterrestrials have all been removed from Earth and have not been here since November of 2009.
希特勒就是其中一个. 他是一个 ‘外星时间旅行者’ , 来自24世纪, 回返地球来使用地球资源在他个人的私欲上. 他是透过空间\时间连续线的缺口进来 ---当Montauk科学实验失败之时 --- 所改变掉的时间线进来的. 这些时间线在2013年都已经被修理好了. 在2013年负面的外星人都已经被从地球移走了,而且打从2009年十一月开始就已经不在地球了.
The cabal humans who had been working with the negative ETs have also been removed from Earth. What you are seeing where they still appear in place are clones or solid holograms. This ET technology has been used by the dark and the light since a long time on Earth. When changeover comes they will be turned off by remote control. This is controlled by Sananda/KOS. He is the Admiral of The New Jerusalem of the Galactic Federation.
而这些cabal人类(光明会蜥蝪人混种执政官)曾经与负面ET们工作一起的人 --- 也都被从地球上移除了. 你们现在看到的还好好的在现场的 ---其它是 ‘克隆人’ 或是 ‘固态全息影像’ . 这些外星技术都被正面与负面外星人在地球上使用很久了. 而当 ‘地球大转变’ 发生之时, 这些‘克隆人’ 或是 ‘固态全息影像’都会被遥控器关掉. 这是由耶稣撒南达\剑王所管辖的工作. 祂是银河联邦在新耶路撒冷的海军上将.
When President Obama makes his Announcements at the Disclosure Event then there will be an explanation of Extraterrestrials on Earth as well as the knowledge that none who wish humans harm are no longer living on Earth or in Earth. The Galactic Federation has cleaned out all the tunnels, portals and StarGates and are in full command of such. Duality on Earth is over. We are in the 5th Dimension now. There no longer needs to be any fear of Extraterrestrials on Earth. Those who worked with negative ETs will be held accountable at the International Criminal Court and if found guilty of Intergalactic crimes of high treason, also at the Solar Tribunal. Following close on the heels of Disclosure will be the reformations of Earth.
当欧巴马总统在 ‘大揭露大事件’ 上做宣布时, 同时会给出一个关于在地球上外星人的解释, 以及知识介绍, 以及确认那些想要伤害地球人类的外星人已经不复居住在地球上或地心里了的事实.
银河联邦已经清除了所有的通道, 进出口, 以及星门们,而且目前是掌控全局的状态. 地球的二元性已经结束了!我们已经在五维了. 所以已经不用再害怕地球上的外星人了! ----而那些与负面外星人合作过的人, 现在必须面对‘国际罪犯法庭’ 与 ‘太阳系审理会’的审判, 并必须付出代价 --- 假如被判有 ‘国际银河罪犯’ 的最高叛逆罪的话.
而紧跟着 ‘大揭露’ 的就是 ‘地球大改造’.
With Disclosure comes the facts of ET Crash retrievals, the knowledge that some of these were forced to crash with beam weapons or shot down. Also the knowledge that ETs were kept in captivity as animals for 50 plus years. The truth about the Secret Space Program, the tunnels which connect countries under Earth and the Terra Drive shuttles. With Disclosure more about the negative ET abductions and animal mutilations come to light. We will learn the truth of how far our technology has gone into deep space without consent or knowledge and that present day Scientists and Astronauts work with Off Planet Scientists from the multiple International Space Stations.
当 ‘大揭露’发生之后, 关于撞毁的外星飞碟的残骸收集事实, 以及一些飞碟是被用雷射光武器干扰飞行所坠毁的, 或是被射下来之事实都会出现. 以及活的外星人被像动物一样囚禁五十多年之久的事情也会曝光. 其它如 ‘秘密太空计划’, ‘通到地心的通道’, 以及土地推进梭交通工具the Terra Drive shuttles之存在等事, 都会曝光. 当‘大揭露’之后, 关于负面外星人绑架地球人的事件, 以及他们对动物的肢解事件都会被完整知晓. 我们将会知道真相 ---关于地球科技已经多么的深入外层空间遥远的地方了, 可是我们人民却一无所知, 但是当代的科学家与航天员都已经与驻在远离地球之外的国际太空站的科学家们在一起工作了.
It is time the Truth is Told. You are ready to handle the Truth. Salut! This is Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 12, 2013.
现在是 ‘真相’ 被说出来的时候了! 你们已经准备好了可以来面对这些 ‘事实’ 了! 欢呼吧! 这是阿斯塔透过Elizabeth Trutwin, May 12, 2013传导.
An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at eltrutwin@gmail.com It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit http://ElizabethTrutwin.org/SanandaKumara