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国际清算银行 - Guoji qingsuan yinhang
参见: 巴塞尔委员会, Basel Committee, 中央银行, Central Bank, 十国集团, G10
英文Bank for International Settlements的缩写。国际清算银行的宗旨是促进国际间在货币和金融事务上的合作,同时为各国中央银行和国际金融组织提供银行服务。国际清算银行接受各国中央银行的存款,并为它们提供短期贷款。该行致力维护国际金融市场的稳定,确保所有银行持有维持运作所需的足够资本。国际清算银行亦是由主要工业国家组成的十国集团(G10)中央银行行长定期会晤的场所。该行旗下的巴塞尔委员会致力促进国际间在银行监管事务上的合作,制定并提倡良好的银行营运准则。 BIS网址:www.bis.org。
See also: Basel Committee, Central Bank, G10
Bank for International Settlements. An international organization that fosters international monetary and financial co-operation and serves as a bank for central banks and international financial organizations. It accepts deposits from central banks and also makes short-term loans to them. The BIS is concerned with safeguarding the stability of international financial markets and ensuring that all banks have sufficient capital to supporttheir operating needs. It acts as a forum for regular meetings of the central bank governors of the G10 group of major industrialized countries. The Basel Committee of the BIS sets standards and guidelines for best banking practice.
浏览全部内容创立之初 国际清算银行最初创办的目的是为了处理第一次世界大战后德国的赔偿支付及其有关的清算等业务问题。 国际清算银行 二次大战后,它成为经济合作与发展组织成员国之间的结算机构,该行的宗旨也逐渐转变为促......