100個最流行的管理辭彙 - MBA智库百科:
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目錄[隱藏] |
- 4C營銷理論 (The Marketing Theory of 4Cs)
- 4R營銷理論 (The Marketing Theory of 4Rs)
- 4P營銷理論 (The Marketing Theory of 4Ps)
- 感性營銷 (Sensibility Marketing)
- 利基營銷 (Niche Marketing)
- 交叉營銷 (Cross Marketing)
- 知識營銷 (Knowledge Marketing)
- 文化營銷 (Cultural Marketing)
- 服務營銷 (Services Marketing)
- 體驗營銷 (Experience Marketing)
- 定製營銷 (Customization Marketing)
- 色彩營銷 (Color Marketing)
- 綠色營銷 (Green Marketing)
- 關係營銷 (Relationship Marketing)
- 合作營銷 (The Co Marketing Solution)
- 伙伴營銷 (Partnership Marketing)
- 一對一營銷 (One-to-One Marketing)
- 差異化營銷 (Difference Marketing)
- 大市場營銷 (Big Marketing)
- 個性化營銷 (Personalization Marketing)
- 堡壘式營銷 (Formalization Marketing)
- 資料庫營銷 (Data base Marketing)
- 服務分銷策略 (Services Distribution Strategy)
- 服務促銷策略 (Services Sales Promotion Strategy)
- 整合營銷傳播 (Integrated Marketing Communications, IMC)
- 水壩式經營 (Dam Operation)
- 戰略營銷聯盟 (Strategic Marketing Union)
- 網路資料庫營銷 (Internet Data base Marketing)
- “整時營銷” 與“晚盈利” (Profit by Timing Marketing and Lag Profit Marketing)
- 目標管理 (Management by Objectives, MBO),現在這個縮寫也常用於代稱“管理層收購”(Management Buy Out)
- 標桿瞄準(Benchmarking)
- 開明管理(Open Management)
- 寬容管理 (Allowance Management)
- 危機管理 (Crisis Management)
- 標桿管理 (Benchmarking Management)
- 人格管理 (Character Management)
- 品牌管理 (Brand Management)
- 變革管理 (Change Management)
- 溝通管理 (Communication Management)
- 走動管理 (Management by Walking Around,MBWA)
- 價值管理 (Value Management)
- 鉤稽管理 (Innovation and Practice Management)
- 能本管理 (Capacity Core Management)
- 績效管理 (Managing For Performance)
- 賦權管理 (Delegation Management)
- 靈捷管理 (Celerity Management)
- 物流管理 (Logistics Management/Physical Distribution ) (Physical Distribution為傳統意義上的物流)
- 知識管理 (Knowledge Management)
- 時間管理 (Time-Management)
- 互動管理 (Interactive Management)
- T型管理 (T Management)
- 預算管理 (Budget Management)
- 末日管理 (End Management)
- 柔性管理 (Soft Management)
- 例外管理 (Exception Management)
- K型管理 (K Management)
- EVA管理 (Economic Value Added, EVA)
- 5S管理法 (5S :Seiri、Seiten、Seigo、Seiketsu、Shitsuke)
- 零缺陷管理(Zero Defects)
- 一分鐘管理(One Minute Management)
- 供應鏈管理 (Supply Chain Management, SCM)
- 客戶關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management,CRM)
- 產品數據管理 (Product Data Management, PDM)
- 過程質量管理法 (Process of Quality Management)
- 管理駕駛艙(Cockpit of Management)
- OEC管理法 (Over All Every Control and Clear)
- 數字化管理 (Digital Management)
- 海豚式管理 (Management as Porpoise)
- 豐田式管理 (Toyota- Management)
- 跨文化管理 (Span-Culture Management)
- 螞蟻式管理 (Style of Ant Management)
- 購銷比價管理 (Purchase by Grade Management)
- 企業內容管理 (Enterprise Content Management)
- 企業健康管理 (Health of Enterprise Management)
- 薪酬外包管理 (Salary Episodic Management)
- 戴明的質量管理 (William Edwards Dem’s Quality Management)
- 六西格瑪管理法 (Six Sigma)
- 倒金字塔管理 (Handstand Pyramidal Management)
- 變形蟲式管理 (Amoeba Management)
- 精益管理 (Lean Management)
- 法商管理 (Law and Business Management)
- 木桶定律(Cannikin Law)
- 墨菲定律 (Moffe's Law)
- 羊群效應 (Sheep-Flock Effect)
- 帕金森定律 (Parkinson's Law)
- 華盛頓合作定律 (Washington Company Law)
- 手錶定律 (Watch Law)
- 蘑菇定律 (Mushroom Law)
- 鯰魚效應 (Weever Effect)
- 飛輪效應 (Flywheel Effect)
- 光環效應 (Halo Effect)
- 馬太效應 (Matthew Effect)
- 蝴蝶效應 (Butterfly Effect)
- 多米諾效應 (Domicile Effect)
- 皮格馬利翁效應 (Pygmalion Effect)
- 彼德原理 (The Peter Principle)
- 破窗理論 (Break Pane Law)
- 路徑依賴 (Path Dependence)
- 奧卡姆剃刀 (Occam's Razor)
- 博弈論 (Game Theory)
- 定位法則 (Orientation Law)
- 80/20原理 (80/20 Law)
- X理論-Y理論 (Theory X- Theory Y)
- 超Y理論 (Exceed theory Y)
- 人本管理(Humanistic Management)
- 7S模型 (Principle of 7S)
- ABC分析法 (ABC-Analysis)
- SWOT分析 (SWOT Analysis)
- 波士頓矩陣法 (Boston Matrix Analysis)
- 新7S原則 (Principle of New 7S)
- PDCA迴圈 (PDCA Cyc)
- 平衡記分卡 (Balanced Score Card)
- 品管圈 (Quality Control Circle,QCC)
- 零庫存 (In-Time Inventory)
- 顧客份額 (Constituency Share)
- 業務流程重組 (Business Process Reengineer)
- 動態薪酬 (Dynamic Salary)
- 管理審計 (Managed Audit)
- 管理層收購 (Management Buy-out)
- 逆向供應鏈 (Reverse Supply Chain)
- 寬頻薪酬設計 (Broad Band Salary Design)
- 員工持股計劃(Employee Stock Ownership Plan,ESOP)
- 人力資源外包 (Epiboly HR)
- 360度績效反饋 (360-Degree Performance Feedback)
- 人力資源價值鏈 (Human Resource Value Chain)
- 柯氏模式 (Kirkpatrick Model)
- 歸因模型 (Attribution Model)
- 期望模型 (Expectancy Model)
- 五力模型 (The Five-force Model)
- 安東尼模型 (Anthony Model)
- CS經營戰略(Customer Satisfaction)
- 532績效考核模型 (532 Performance Appraisal Model)
- 101℃理論 (101℃ Theory)
- 雙因素激勵理論 (Dual Stimulant Theory)
- 註意力經濟 (The Economy of Attention)
- 靈捷競爭(Adroitly Compete)
- 德爾菲法(Delphi Technique)
- 執行力 (Execution)
- 領導力 (Leadership)
- 學習力 (Learning Capacity)
- 企業教練 (Corporate Coach)
- 首席知識官 (Chief Knowledge Officer)
- 第五級領導者 (Fifth Rank Leader)
- 智力資本 (Intellect Capital)
- 智能資本 (Intellectual Capital)
- 高情商團隊 (High EQ Team)
- 學習型組織 (Learning Organization)
- 知識型企業 (Knowledge Enterprise)
- 高智商企業 (Knowledge-Intensive Enterprise)
- 靈捷組織 (Adroitly Organization)
- 虛擬企業 (Virtual Enterprise,VE)