» Future Predictions: Congratulations to Google Lunar X Prize Teams All Chasing the Dream to Get Back to the Moon FUTUREPREDICTIONS.COM Source of Likely and Preferable Futures ™
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» Future Predictions: Congratulations to Google Lunar X Prize Teams All Chasing the Dream to Get Back to the Moon FUTUREPREDICTIONS.COM Source of Likely and Preferable Futures ™:

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Future Predictions: Congratulations to Google Lunar X Prize Teams All Chasing the Dream to Get Back to the Moon
Filed under: Space by futurepredictions — Leave a comment
April 29, 2011
“The Google Lunar X PRIZE is igniting a new era of lunar exploration by offering the largest international incentive prize of all time. A total of $30 million in prizes are available to the first privately funded teams to safely land a robot on the surface of the Moon and have that robot travel 500 meters over the lunar surface and send images and data back to the Earth. Teams must be at least 90% privately funded, though commercially reasonable sales to government customers are allowed without limit.”
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